Wednesday, September 17, 2008


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Monday, September 1, 2008

The true signs of fall

The leaves changing colors and the cooler temperatures are the usual signs that summer is behind us and fall is beginning. For me though, the signs are different. School starting again and the first soccer game of the season are what gets me thinking that fall is fast approaching.

Traeden had his first soccer game last Friday. He was so excited too. This year he is green (a new color for us) and his team name is the Rocky Mountain Green Grapes (?). Jordan was on his way to Michigan (another post for another day) so he wasn't able to be there. But Me and Elie made it and we picked up Grandma Grace on our way. My dad, Grandpa Butch, joined us in the 2nd quarter. So Traeden did have quite the audience anyways. This year it is 5 on 5 with goalies (something new this year) which is where he started. From the very beginning his team was obviously the dominant one. Traeden never had to worry about blocking a goal because the ball never made it down by him. I would glance down in his direction every so often to make sure he was ok, and he would be standing with his hands on his hips or biting his fingernails.

Eventually he made his way into the action. And he was pretty darn good (IMHO). He scored 2 points and had a couple of nasty spills, but as the saying goes 'No Pain, No Gain,' right? Just kidding. His team ended up winning 9-1. Of course it's nice to win, but we were just happy to playing again. We try to teach him that winning isn't everything, but it is kind of fun to see all the kids happy after playing a good game (and winning).

This Saturday is Elie's first game, so stay posted for those pictures. It will probably be pretty interesting.
The Rocky Mountain Green Grapes warming up

Trae as goalie (he looks bored, right?)

Playing the game

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Whats a girl to do?

My dear sweet husband is leaving me (us) for the weekend tomorrow. He is joining his friend and heading off for Detroit. It is a total guys trip-an NFL game tomorrow in Cleveland, a MLB game in Detroit on Friday, and a U of U (can you believe it?!) football game on Saturday and then hopefully returning home on Sunday (you never know with standby so cross your fingers). Now I have to come up with ways to entertain the kids while dad is gone, so any suggestions would be nice.....

P.S. If I can get a sitter on Saturday I just might try to hit a movie or dinner of something kid free if anyone would care to join me.

What Fun Is!

Last Thursday we decided to pack up the kids and head up to Lagoon. They were having a 2 for 1 admission so we decided to take advantage of the deal, plus our friends were going. We kind of a late start, we didn't get there until around 3 pm (I was shooting for 1 pm-oh well). Leslie and Connor ended up joining us and we all met Chad, Ann, Tenney, and Christian.
We dropped off our stuff and the first ride we chose was Rattlesnake Rapids, then the guys (Jordan and Chad) took all the kids to Lagoon-A-Beach while the girls (Me, Ann, and Leslie) went on the big rides. At this point Lisa and Art met us. By the time we met up with everyone, Me and Leslie, with Art and Lisa, took the kids around the kiddie land while Jordan, Chad, and Ann went to Wicked (the most fun roller coaster ever) and few other rides. We all met up again and while the kids went on the new ride OdySea, Leslie, Ann, and I went on Jet Star. When we got up to the front, there was a sign that said 'No Single Riders' but there was no way we were all 3 going to fit in one section of the car, so we asked the attendant what we could do. All he did was point to the sign (he was such a jerk) and so Leslie didn't get to go. Me and Ann sat down and the attendant was still a jerk. He kept making snide remarks to us up until the ride started. I have to say that that was the least fun I had the whole day (and it wasn't because of you Ann), the guy just didn't make the experience a very pleasant one, plus it really hurt my legs because I was in a awkward position. After Jetstar, we joined everyone back at the OdySea. The kids rode that ride like 5 more times because they liked it so much.
After all that we went to Pioneer Village to get some ice cream. Along the way we noticed that there was no line for the Log ride so we did that first. We ended doing that ride 3 or 4 times and never had to get out of the log. There was absolutely no line! Then we got our ice cream. It was a pretty hot day so the ice cream was a nice treat.
After all that I took Trae on his favorite ride-Music Express. He loves that one. I had Trae and Tenney with me and Leslie had Conner and Elie with her. We did that ride a couple of times too. Trae and Tenney laughed the whole time.
The park was just about to close by this time, and we all kind of split up to leave, but not before making it on one last ride-the Carousel. The kids still have a good time on that ride and I like to see their faces.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of school.

I can't believe another summer has come and gone. In the beginning I was going crazy trying to come up with things for Traeden to do because he was getting very bored. I thought 'Man, this is going to be a very, very, long, summer. And then in a blink of an eye it was August. And now school.

Of course there always has to be alittle drama though. I called the lady that I carpooled with last year to make sure that we were still on-which of course we were and when I got off the phone Trae was whining (alot). He didn't want J to pick him up-he just wanted me to come get him. I thought he would be excited because he would get to see 2 of his friends (that he always plays with), so after grilling him for about 10 minutes I finally learned the truth. Apparently the last time the boys were here they got in a big fight. Usually when that happens though I hear about it immediately from someone, so this was a shock to me. Trae didn't want to go with them because he thought they were going to be mean and mad to him. I called their mom and explained all this and she said her boys were complaining too. They didn't want Trae to ride with them because of the fight-but they didn't tell her about it either. So we both said tough to our boys-and continued with the carpool. Of course I am the dorky mom who has to take pictures of everything-so here is Trae on his first day of 2nd grade:

Playing a little Guitar Hero to calm the nerves

Ready to go

Walking out the door

These shoes are a 3, he wears a 12.5-I just had to get a picture of what clown shoes look like.
It turns out that the carpool turned out OK. That's one thing you gotta love about kids-they can get mad and be in a fight and then the minute someone talks about a video game (of doll or whatever) they act like nothing ever happened.

I will be going through all this in 2 weeks with Elie as she starts preschool on Sept. 8th. Hopefully there will be less drama (but with her, I seriously doubt it).

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Grandpa Butch's birthday party (1 fo 2)

Last night we all went up to my parents to celebrate my dad's birthday. They ordered take out from a really good Chinese place and decided to watch the Olympics and play alittle ball on their new court (Traeden's new favorite thing). We all had a good time and here are some of the pictures to prove it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fun at the park...

I can't believe that summer is almost over. Time really flies when your having fun. Last week we got invited to a picnic. It was a work party for my SIL, so I knew a few people but not many. We went just to get out of the house and take the kids to a park. We all had a good time. I forget how fun a visit to the park can really be.

Jordan and Trae playing around

Just finishing one game Trae just being cute...

And a little cocky.

And Elison is just pretending to be camera shy.Here she is striking a poseAnd sitting with a new friend.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Greatest Show On Earth!

I just received an email for discount tickets to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus that is coming to SLC Sept 24-28. Here is the info:
Coming Wed. SEP. 24 - Sun. SEP. 28
To EnergySolutions Arena
Save 20% when you order by Sun. AUG. 17!
BUY NOW using code Z3682
They have the pre-show where you can take your kids to meet all the circus stars like the acrobats, clowns, and animals. We've taken our kids before and they've always loved it. Let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Do you swim in a pool to make yourself cool?

As a way of beating the heat, my sister, sister-in-law and I all decided to take our kids to the local rec center. We are members and go quite frequently. The others are not, but they are trying to get their little ones adjusted to pool life. We met there right when they opened, to beat the crowd, and spent some time indoors in the lazy river and water slide. Then we all decided to move outdoors and get some fresh air. It was hot, but the water felt really good. I think that all the kids really had a ball. Elizabeth and Isabella were pretty tired by the time we left (about 3 hours later). But I think they did pretty good considering all the people, the heat, the noise, and the accidental trips which sent them under. My kids are like little fishes. We strap Elie's life jacket on and she just floats around and around the river. Trae has gotten pretty brave and will now go down the water slide all by himself. I think that we all had a great time, and I look forward to doing it again before the summer's over!

Monday, July 28, 2008

The fruits of our labors....

Really it is just Jordan's labors. I can't really take any credit for this. Me and him spent most of our free time last week at either Lowe's or a local nursery. Lowe's had lots of trees and plants on clearance and the other nursery had their big annual pioneer day sale where they put everything 1/2 off. We picked out a few trees and pines and some boxwoods at Lowe's and bought the rest at this other place. They only do the sale on the 24th and seeing as I had to work, Jordan spent a good couple of hours in the morning there with my mom. She is really good at knowing what to plant, so it was good.

He came home almost every night last week and weeded and prepped and pulled and planted. I offered to help, but I think that I was more in the way. He said that I had already worked outside so it was his turn (pretty thoughtful, huh?). Anyways, this is our reward:

By our front patio

The front yard
And last but not least, the parking strip

We still have some more planting to do, but I just wanted to acknowledge all of the hard work that Jordan has done. It is awesome to look out our window or pull out of our driveway and see some plants-not just weeds and our neighbors non-pretty rock wall. And we have done it all on a really cheap budget.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Going, Going, Gone

Thursday was quite the day in our house. Not only did we have company and chaos, but Traedens' tooth became really loose. He wiggled and wiggled that thing until it came out about 6 hours later. It was quite gross if you ask me. At one point, he had that thing sticking straight out, so that with the blood was alittle more then my weak stomach could take. So, you would think that the tooth fairy would have visited by now right, WRONG. She must have taken the holiday off. Heck, she must have taken the whole weekend off cause he has had his tooth under his pillow for the last 2 nights and wakes up to nothing under his pillow. Trae is convinced it's because he hasn't worn his pj's to bed. He's fallen asleep in his street clothes the last 2 nights. I'll just let him think that for the time being. Hopefully I can get my act together tonight and get a hold of the fairy and let her know that she has a little boy down here that is getting very curious........

Friday, July 25, 2008

24th of July adventures...

For those of you that weren't able to join us yesterday, all I can say is that you really missed out. Both me and Jordan worked in the morning. After he came home, he just wanted to work out in the yard. We have bought a few plants (this blog coming later) and he was just itching to get as much done as he could. So after laboring in the 98 degree sun all day, he decided to take the kids to the pool (I can't for for a couple more days-lets just say that I was sick and don't want to start the crypto virus!) for an hour or so. While he was gone, my SIL and her fiancee, Lisa and Art, showed up as well as my friend and her son Leslie and Conner and my FIL. We just ordered pizza and sat around and talked until it was dark enough to do the fireworks. My dad decided to join us at this point. Art had bought some fireworks and we had some left over from last year. Plus our neighbors across the street was doing theirs so it lasted about an hour. There were some awesome ones, and so not-so-awesome ones. But I have to say that my favorite part was seeing the kids with the sparklers. Last year I ended up doing all the sparklers because the kids were so scared of them. They were really timid at first this year too, but they eventually came out of their shells and had a riot after that. Once they figured out that they could write in the air and that they weren't going to get burned, they wouldn't stop. The other highlight was seeing Art stand in the middle of the road holding one of the fireworks in his had. He was holding it like a torch and standing like the Statue of Liberty. It was so funny. I had good video of it until Trae knocked the camera and it fell to the ground. Of course I screamed his name and of course it was on the audio so I won't be showing it-Sorry! To end what was a really good night, we all came in and had homemade ice cream with brownies and chocolate sauce. We finally put our cranky kids to bed at about 11:30 pm. But it was all worth it. We had a really good time. So to everyone that came-Thank You, it was awesome and you all helped to make it that way. To those that didn't come-There is always next year!
Trae and ElieLeslie and ConnerJordan (his mug shot) and Grandpa RayJordan (a better shot) and Grandpa RayLisa and ArtElie

Art-he's trying to show offArt again

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Welcome to our new website. This is the place where we are going to post pretty much anything that has to do with our family. Since I am going to be taking care of 3 blogs now, I will try to update as often as I can. Maybe I can even get Jordan to post something every now and then.